Could unwrapped turkish bow handles be made on assyrian bows?

I was wondering why could’nt an assyrian bow without the wraps be made like the turkish handled bows?

I forgot to mention that the V splice in the handle will have horn on the belly also along wit being sinewed on the back.

Please, could you publish a picture ( which will show us about what design of “assyrian bow” we are talking ) ?

Welcome BowEd to the eastern side of bowforum space! I remember you as a active user in primitive archer forum. I’m glad the community managed to save your forum from dissapearing.

I don’t exactly remember the construction of assyrian bow, but i remember those bows had joints mid limb, just after the most bending sections near grip. I think.
Ivar Malde has done some work on those, so you could read this topic: Kviljos Egyptian and Akkadian composites - ATARNet

I think you could make a assyrian bow without wraps, like you could make an scythian bow without wrappings. I have at least one draw picture here of my scythian bow that i had not wrapped yet. You just risk of the bow unstringing and being more vulnerable of breaking those many joints. This is similar to manchu handle which was wrapped also because the horn joints had to be so far from center of handle to maximize bow length with short horns. Without wraps those horn would delaminate in case of unstringing.

Its 2025 and we don’t keep our bows in such humid weather as scythians or we have access to longer horn (possibly), so the situation might be different.
If you can pull it off, do it! But remember to post pictures here. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply.I’m always in awe looking and reading at your pictures and comments of your work.Your a busy beaver at times…ha ha.
My intent was to mount the handle section of this bow into a deflex to the limbs thus making it look like an assyrian of some sort.
I hav’nt been very familiar with fully investigating the construction of an assyrian bow and that’s my fault.
I hate to get caught up in labeling the bows I’m making really.
I’m going to be satisfied to just call this bow a forward handled bow with the handle section mostly flat.
Rather long really at 57.75" TTT with a 12" handle/4" fades and 4" grip.Wood/horn/sinew.
My intent is for hunting deer here and want a bow that’ll shot heavy arrows fast.I’ve been successful with backward handled bows in the past.
Lots of reflex and stored energy and like the way they perform and hold up.
I’ll have to figure out how to send pictures.
Thank you.

Sorry to be a pain.but how does one send pictures on this forum?I can’t seem to find any link…ha ha.

No problem. Here:

Hello Jano…
As soon as I can figure out how to send pictures I will.